I began the third year of my degree with a course on interactive data visualisation websites, with a simple brief to tell a story about social media with data. I chose to look at the ‘Kia Challenge’, a notorious 2022 TikTok phenomena that supposedly inspired teenage boys to commit auto theft, and present it in the form of a longform journalistic article with a design inspired by periodicals like Harpers and The New Yorker.
Long story short: As a cost-saving measure, Kia chose to remove immobilisers from all of their budget car models sold in the United States, creating a security flaw where they could be started by simply ripping off the keyhole and then turning the key mechanism underneath. The discovery of this flaw caused an enormous wave of auto theft across the United States. When some teen car thieves began to post content bragging of their exploits online, the media created a narrative that the thefts were being caused by a ‘challenge’ meme, but the full story turned out to be much more complicated.
The site can be read in full here.